Bio Immuno Liquid "Healthy animal world" is made to strengthen and raise the immunity of animals and birds to various diseases, increase productivity and reduce the mortality of animals and birds, eliminate odors, including the smell of animals' and birds' excrement.
The natural components of the organo-biological liquid, initially, form the "living water" property - a property that carries useful microorganisms and which is referred to in medicine as - regeneration.
The results of the use of organo-biological fertilizer Bio Immuno Liquid "Healthy animal world" are:
1. In the premises where the bird is managed, the smell of ammonia from the litter is significantly reduced, which reduces the negative impact of harmful fumes both on the health of animals and birds, as well on the staff.
2. Reduces and prevents the risks of occurrence and spread of dermatological, respiratory, therapeutic, oxygen, cardiovascular and toxic diseases. Animals and birds stop diarrhea, slander, avitaminosis, signs of toxicosis.
3. Observed overall recovery of the bird due to the normalization of intestinal microflora.
4. The safety of chickens increases 2-3 times and the mortality of adult birds decreases.
5. Birds are gaining weight faster as their digestibility improves.
6. The consumption of feed decreases, while the appearance of birds improves, the live weight of birds increases by 15-20 %.
7. Egg production increases by 1.5-2 times, including in winter; the shell becomes harder.
8. The nutritional value of meat and eggs increases.
9. There is an increase in beneficial indicators for meat and eggs - without the use of hormonal drugs, antibiotics and other chemically inorganic drugs.